New Website!

As we sit here in the rural cold midwest on the end of a run of residencies and speaking engagements we reflect on the journey we’ve taken. The amazing things we learn about ourselves, the resilience we’ve had in this creative field and the growth we’ve accomplished. & are going live this month and we’re celebrating. This site and all that we create what we want and it will serve as a testament to our commitment to our dream here we will strengthen our bond with you our community of like-minded individuals who are helping to push the movement forward and keep art near and dear to our hearts.

We will be announcing a string of cool things here including our interactive art experiences, special merch, live events and more. We will be hosting online events and connections exclusively through our website so please consider hopping on our email list to stay in the know. That’s enough talking for now… We hope you enjoy what we are creating! Now go explore..!